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Alex Hamer
Written by Alex Hamer

Construction Phase Documents

We've added a tab for you to manage your Construction Phase Documents

We have added a tab for managing Construction Phase Documents, in response to customer feedback. You can now upload your Construction Phase Plan, F10, RAMs etc to Mosaic in the same way you manage your PCI and H&S File

Access the CPD tab via the Dashboard in the same way you access the PCI and H&S File

The documents you can upload here will be listed, and you can create subfolders, assign documents and upload as normal if you are the PD

When you need to share the documents, you can share a link with anyone, whether a user of Mosaic or not, using the link in the same way you can share the PCI, just copy this link and send it to your team

If you want to Download and Share, you can create a Zip file for sharing or saving offline
